Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Well We're Movin' On Up

Well the first day of school was pretty good... and now we have 3 days under our belts without a single meltdown or call to the office- we all deserve an ice cream cone!  Now begin the '160 Days of Dakota' - to borrow from a popular movie- that will show us all what we're made of. Today we went to school for his IEP, which is usually akin to nails on a chalkboard as we listen to the strengths and weaknesses and the euphemisms they try to come up with to sound good when it isn't really. For example: "He has a great imagination" = "He has no idea what's going on"; He's very vocal" = "He won't shut up". I believe the teacher used to tell my dad I was "an excellent leader" which equals "she's really bossy" (I liked to think of it as directive counseling). 
This time was different however- this time we heard some good news. Dakota's teacher did his beginning of year assessments and he has progressed some. His reading is up to a first grade level, his math is at 2nd and his comprehension is at 3rd. All the tests are modified for his disabilities of course but the point is that he has progressed and we are thrilled! And even better than that, because they know he likes to do science projects at home they are going to let him go to the mainstream 4th grade class when they are doing science experiments- wow! This is so amazing I can't even describe it. Imagine my son, who couldn't even speak intelligibly until he was 4, will get to be with the "big kids" his own age. This is both exciting and scary. I want him to progress and learn but I don't want the other kids to pick on him. His school is very good about this though- they absolutely don't tolerate ridicule and name calling; but of course it happens and he knows there's a difference.  But, all thats for another day. Today, we are going to do "big boy" things...do you think that includes picking up after himself? Nah.


  1. That is huge! Congrats to Dakota and all his supporters. By the way, I have learned that the bigger the boy the likelihood of him picking up after himself decreases accordingly. Its the lead up to and training for not being able to find anything that has been put back where it belongs.

  2. Fantastic!! "Atta-boy" to all of you!! It really is BIG news and I understand the "terrified" part as well. But...today....it's all GREAT!!! Good luck with the experiments!!! Don't let anything blow up!!

  3. I'm thrilled for you all. When a child (especially one with challenges) progresses it's a wonderful accomplishment. My own child shows some improvements which I'm tickled pink about myself. Enjoy the ice cream.
